Events (Archived)

KEIO-NUS CUTE Center Sunday Showcase

Sunday Showcase
One Sunday each month | 1pm – 7pm
ArtScience Galleries (Level 4)

Free admission to the showcase. Register on the day at the ArtScience Museum lobby.
See ArtScience research in action and explore innovative ideas on show. With opportunities for interaction with the inventions, discussions with the makers, and workshops where you can have a go yourself, there is something to interest and engage all ages of visitors.

Upcoming Showcases:
Sunday, 5 October | 1pm – 7pm

2CUTE: Creating Unique Technology for Everyone
Keio-NUS CUTE Center, NUS

Explore first-hand the latest interactive digital media projects which engage all of the senses through toys, games, augmented reality, smart phones and physical movements.

Sunday Showcase allows visitors unique access to cutting edge projects being undertaken by different tertiary institutions across Singapore. The series invites the creators and their work into ArtScience Museum on a Sunday each month. The creators are on hand throughout the afternoon to talk with visitors about their inventions, their creative process, and to facilitate visitors’ interaction with the projects. There is something for everyone in this hands-on, accessible showcase series.

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