


Health technologies are changing fast, posing these pressing questions for healthcare and IT leaders – What they should expect to come next and how they should evolve.

Join us as we hear from front-runners of corporates, hospitals and universities in Singapore on Healthcare and Artificial Intelligence. This session includes keynote presentations and a panel discussion where our speakers will share insights on explainable AI as a service for community healthcare.

Date: 29 May 2019, Wednesday
Time: 4:00pm – 6:30pm
Venue: 32 Carpenter Street, Singapore 059911


  • Dr Ngiam Kee Yuan, Group Chief Technology Officer, National University Health System and Deputy Chief Medical Informatics Officer, National University Hospital (NUH)
  • Prof Ooi Beng Chin, Distinguished Professor of Computer Science, National University of Singapore (NUS) and Director, Smart Systems Institute (SSI@NUS)
  • Associate Professor Marcus Ong Eng Hock, Associate Professor, Duke-National University of Singapore (NUS) Medical School and Director of Research, Department of Emergency Medicine in Singapore General Hospital (SGH)


  • Honey Mittal, Chief Product & Technology Officer, Homage

Programme Details:
4:00pm – 4:20pm: Registration
4:20pm – 5:00pm: Keynote Presentation ‘AI and Data-driven Support for Prevention, Intervention and Cure in Healthcare’ by Prof Ooi Beng Chin; ‘Explainable AI to Support Medical Decision Making’ by Associate Professor Marcus Ong Eng Hock
5:00pm – 6:00pm: Panel Discussion and Q&A
6:00pm – 6:30pm: Networking

Speaker’s Profiles:

Dr Ngiam Kee Yuan, Group Chief Technology Officer, National University Health System and Deputy Chief Medical Informatics Officer, National University Hospital (NUH)

Dr Ngiam Kee Yuan is the Group Chief Technology Officer of the National University Health System (NUHS) Singapore overseeing technology deployment in Western Healthcare Cluster of Singapore. The
cluster incorporates one large academic medical center, 3 national centers of excellence, 2 acute hospitals, one community hospital, 6 polyclinics and 4 schools under the National University of Singapore. In this role, he assists the Chief Executive to implement new technologies throughout NUHS and serves as the Chief Advisor to the Center for Innovation in Healthcare in NUHS. Dr Ngiam is concurrently the Deputy Chief Medical Informatics Officer at the National University Hospital of Singapore with a special focus on artificial intelligence research and implementation in healthcare. He has certification training by the American Medical Informatics Association and has published in computing and medical journals on topics related to healthcare AI applications and technology.

Dr Ngiam is a Consultant Thyroid and Endocrine Surgeon at the Department of Surgery, National University Hospital, Singapore specializing in thyroid oncology and minimally invasive endoscopic and
robotic thyroid surgery. Dr Ngiam obtained his undergraduate degree from the Royal Free and University College Medical School, London (now University College London). He entered Advanced Surgical Training in General Surgery and was awarded a fellowship from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh upon completion of his training. He is accredited a general surgery specialist by the Specialist
Accreditation Board, Singapore and received the Higher Manpower Development Award to complete a fellowship in Metabolic Surgery in Taiwan. He received further training in robotic thyroid surgery at the
Seoul National University Hospital, South Korea. In his capacity as Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Dr Ngiam engages in research into endocrine and metabolic surgery as well as artificial intelligence applications in healthcare. He promotes interdisciplinary collaboration throughout the NUS campus, particularly between the schools of medicine, engineering and computer science for various healthcare applications.

He was awarded the ExxonMobil-NUS Research Fellowship for Clinicians and numerous teaching awards for his work in research and education. Dr Ngiam is also active in volunteerism and is the Mission Chief for a number of ground up surgical missions to regional countries such as Myanmar and Indonesia; under the auspices of the Surgical Outreach to Underserved Localities (SOUL) program with the NUH Department of Surgery.

Prof Ooi Beng Chin, Distinguished Professor of Computer Science, National University of Singapore (NUS) and Director, Smart Systems Institute (SSI@NUS) 

Beng Chin is a Distinguished Professor of Computer Science, NGS faculty member and Director of Smart Systems Institute (SSI@NUS) at the National University of Singapore (NUS), an adjunct Chang Jiang Professor at Zhejiang University, China, and the director of NUS AI Innovation and Commercialization Centre at Suzhou, China. He obtained his BSc (1st Class Honours) and PhD from Monash University, Australia, in 1985 and 1989 respectively.

Beng Chin’s research interests include database systems, distributed and blockchain systems, machine learning and large-scale analytics, in the aspects of system architectures, performance issues, security, accuracy and correctness. He works closely with the industry (eg. NUHS, Jurong Health, Tan Tok Seng Hospital, Singapore General Hospital, KK Hospital on healthcare analytics and prediabetes prevention), and exploits IT for disruption and innovation in various application domains, such as healthcare, finance and smart citities. He is a co-founder of yzBigData (2012) for Big Data Management and analytics, and Shentilium Technologies (2016) for AI and data-driven financial data analytics, Hangzhou MZH Technologies for Healthcare, and MediLot Technologies (2018) for blockchain based healthcare data management and analytics. He also serves as an advisor of a RegTech company, Cynopsis Solutions and its blockchain KYC ICO, Huobi for its Huobi Chain, and as a non-executive and independent director of ComfortDelgro and a member of Hangzhou Government AI Development Committee (AI TOP 30).

Associate Professor Marcus Ong Eng Hock, Associate Professor, Duke-National University of Singapore (NUS) Medical School and Director of Research, Department of Emergency Medicine in Singapore General Hospital (SGH)

Associate Professor Marcus Ong is a Senior Consultant, Director of Research, and Clinician Scientist at the Department of Emergency Medicine in Singapore General Hospital (SGH). He is also the Director for the Health Services Research and Biostatistics Unit, Division of Research, in SGH. He serves as a Senior Consultant at the Hospital Service Division and Director for the Unit for Pre-hospital Emergency Care in Ministry of Health, Singapore. He is also Associate Professor at Duke-National University of Singapore Medical School.

His academic credentials include a medical degree from the National University of Singapore in 1993. He obtained his Fellowship in emergency medicine with the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, Scotland, and the Academy of Medicine, Singapore. He completed his fellowships in emergency medical services and pre-hospital care in Canada and USA. He also obtained his Master of Public Health at Virginia Commonwealth University in 2005.

Associate Professor Ong has been actively involved in research, education and clinical services for more than 10 years. His research studies focus predominantly on pre-hospital emergency care, medical devices, and health services research. He has published 100 papers in international and local peer-reviewed journals.

Moderator’s Profile:

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